
SLUGS uses the CherryPy configuration system to manage both global and application level configuration settings.

By default, SLUGS will look for a slugs.conf configuration file in /etc/slugs/ when first starting up. This file path can be changed using the -c option:

$ python slugs/ -c /path/to/config/file

The same flag can be used with the slugs entry point:

$ slugs -c /path/to/config/file

The following is an example slugs.conf file, which can be found under the examples/ directory in the SLUGS repository.

environment = 'production'
server.socket_host = ''
server.socket_port = 8080
log.access_file = '/var/log/cherrypy/slugs/access.log'
log.error_file = '/var/log/cherrypy/slugs/error.log'

user_group_mapping = '/etc/slugs/user_group_mapping.csv'

tools.trailing_slash.on = True

Global Settings

The [global] configuration block contains site-wide configuration settings that will apply to every application mounted via CherryPy. The SLUGS setup assumes that SLUGS will be the only CherryPy application running on the host machine.

The different configuration options are defined below. For more information on these CherryPy settings, see CherryPy Configuration.

  • environment

    A string indicating the type of environment hosting the application. Tells CherryPy to load in additional preset configuration settings appropriate for the environment. Should be set to 'production' when running SLUGS in production or commented out when in development. For more information, see CherryPy Environments.

  • server.socket_host

    The IP address of the host machine running the application.

  • server.socket_port

    The port number on which to host the application.


    SLUGS must have permission to bind to the specified port, specifically if the port is a privileged port.

  • log.access_file

    The path to the access log file. This log contains entries for all external accesses to the application (e.g., all GET requests).


    The log directory must exist before SLUGS is run; the service will not create the log directory for you. SLUGS must also have permission to access the log directory.

  • log.error_file

    The path to the error log file. This log contains entries pertaining to the startup, maintenance, and shutdown of the application, including any errors that may occur during the lifetime of the application.


    The log directory must exist before SLUGS is run; the service will not create the log directory for you. SLUGS must also have permission to access the log directory.

Application Settings

The SLUGS application is configured with two different configuration blocks: [data] and [/slugs]. The [data] block contains custom configuration settings that define the data sources SLUGS should use to serve user/group information.

  • user_group_mapping

    The path to the CSV file containing user/group data in user,group format. See Data Management for more information.


    The CSV file must exist before SLUGS is run; the service will not create the CSV file for you. SLUGS must also have permission to access the directory containing the CSV file.

The [/slugs] block is an application-level block that contains additional CherryPy settings for the SLUGS application.

  • tools.trailing_slash.on
    A boolean flag that allows CherryPy to redirect incoming requests to a URL without a trailing / to the same URL with a trailing /. A 301 redirect message will be logged in log.access_file when this redirect occurs.

Data Management

The user/group information served by SLUGS is stored in a backing CSV file that is configured on application startup (see user_group_mapping above). The following is an example CSV file, which can be found under the examples/ directory in the SLUGS repository.


In this example, there are two users John and Jane. Each belongs to two different groups, both belonging to the Human group, but each belonging to the Male and Female groups respectively.

User and group names can contain additional characters, like whitespaces and symbols. The following example is still a valid CSV file.

John Doe,Blood Type: AB-
Jane Doe,Blood Type: O+

The only user/group naming restriction is that neither can contain the delimiting character ,. Blank lines can be included throughout the file; they are simply ignored. Lines starting with a # are considered comments and are also ignored. Extra whitespace at the beginning or ending of a user or group name is treated similarly:

John,    Male

The users in the above example are still John and Jane, not John and ___Jane. The groups are still Male and Female, not ____Male and Female.

Finally, the backing CSV file can be edited and updated while SLUGS is running. The application will automatically detect the change and reload the data file. A log message acknowledging this data update will be logged in log.error_file when the reload occurs.

[timestamp] ENGINE Monitored file (<path/here>) updated. Reloading data.

If an error occurs during data reload, SLUGS will stop processing the new data and will retain the prior data set it was serving. This allows data updates to be made to SLUGS without potentially breaking the application. A log message acknowledging this data update error will be logged in log.error_file when the error is detected.

[timestamp] ENGINE Error parsing monitored file (<path/here>). Halting
data reload.