Welcome to SLUGS

The Simple, Lightweight User Group Services (SLUGS) library provides a simple web service that serves user/group membership data over a basic REST interface.

>>> import requests
>>> requests.get('').json()
{u'users': [u'Jane', u'John'], u'groups': [u'Male', u'Female', u'Human']}
>>> requests.get('').json()
{u'users': [u'Jane', u'John']}
>>> requests.get('').status_code
>>> requests.get('').json()
{u'groups': [u'Male', u'Human']}
>>> requests.get('').status_code

For more information on the SLUGS REST API, see API.

SLUGS is built using CherryPy, a well established object-oriented web framework for Python. To run SLUGS, simply install the library and then:

$ slugs -c /path/to/config/file

For more information on configuring SLUGS, see Configuration.


You can install SLUGS via pip:

$ pip install slugs

See Installation for more information.